
Bislama introduction from Air Vanuatu

In the late 19th century at the height of the practice of Blackbirding, thousands of Ni-Vanuatu were forced to work on plantations in Australia and Fiji. With several languages being spoken in these plantations, a form of pidgin English was developed, combining English vocabulary with grammatical structures typical of languages in the region. This early plantation pidgin is the origin not only of Bislama, but also of Tok Pisin of Papua New Guinea and Pijin of the Solomon Islands.

This pidgin started spreading over the Vanuatu archipelago at the turn of the 20th century, as the survivors of Blackbirding began to come back to their native islands. Knowledge of this pidgin would facilitate communication not only with European traders and settlers, but also between native populations of remote islands within the archipelago.

Ni-Vanuatu began to add their own words and pronunciation (today 95% of Bislama is based on English, with a few dozen French words and ‘island language’ thrown in).

Over the past century or so, Bislama has evolved to what is currently spoken and written in Vanuatu.

In order to understand Bislama, common advice is to throw in the words "long" and "blong" a few times every sentence and you'll just about have It.

For example,

Stoa kolosap long haos: The store next to the house.

Mi bin stap long ples ia bifo: I have stayed at this place before. Breakdown of the sentence:
- "Mi" means "I"
- "bin" is a past tense marker, indicating that the action happened in the past.
- "stap" means "staying" or "living."
- "long" is a preposition that means "in" or "at."
- "ples" means "place."
- "ia" is a demonstrative marker that can mean "this" or "that" depending on the context.
- "bifo" means "before" or "previously."

Mi stap long stoa: I am at the store.

Jea long haos: The chair in the house.

Buk blong mi: The book that belongs to me, my book

Man Amerika: Man from America, American.

Hemi woman blong saiens: She is a woman of science, she is a scientist.

Here's a few other phrases to get you going on your journey to discovering this fascinating and fun new language.

  • How much is that? Hamas long hem?
  • How much is this? Hamas long hemia?
  • Do you know..? Yu save (pronounced savvy)
  • I don’t know. Mi no save
  • This is broken Samting ia hemi bugarup or Samting ia i brok
  • The best Nambawan
  • How are you? Olsem wanem
  • I'm okay la oreat
  • Water Wota
  • Drinking water Freswota
  • Ocean Solwota
  • Full / too much Fulap
  • Thank you Tankyu
  • Thank you very much Tankyu tumas
  • My name is... Nem blong mi
  • What time does the plane land? Wanem taem plen ia lan?
  • Food/eat Kai Kai
  • Dictionary Diksonari

本文更新於 2023/02/20。


英文單詞 compliance


[kəmˈplaɪəns] noun

[U] ~ (with sth) action in accordance with a request or command; obedience 服從; 聽從; 遵從; 順從: Compliance (with the rules) is expected of all members. 要求全體人員都遵守(制度). In compliance with your wishes (ie As you have requested) we have cut off the Internet. 遵照你的要求我們已經切斷了互聯網.

(usu derog 通常作貶義) tendency to agree (too readily) to do what others want 百依百順; 承顏候色


英文單詞 meditation


[ˏmєdiˋtєiʃn] noun

[U] deep thought, esp about spiritual matters 深思, 沉思, 冥想(尤指精神方面的問題): religious meditation 宗教的默念. * Meditation is practised by some Eastern religions. 東方某些宗教行默念之道.

[C usu pl 通常作復數] ~ (on sth) (usu written) expression of deep thought (通常為書面的)沉思錄: meditations on the causes of society's evils 社會罪惡因由思考錄. His later letters are intense meditations on man's exploitation of his fellows. 他後期的書信深刻地思考了人對同類的剝削。


Bloodstained Glory

Perhaps I'll bid farewell and never to return, can you comprehend? Do you understand?
Perhaps I will fall and never to rise again. Will you be forever waiting?
If it's to be so, grieve not, the flag of our Republic has our blood-stained glory.
If it's to be so, grieve not, the flag of our Republic has our blood-stained glory.

Perhaps my eyes will shut and never open again, will you understand my silent emotions?
Perhaps I will sleep forever, never able to wake up. Will you believe that I have been transformed into mountains?
If it's to be so, grieve not, the soil of our Republic contains the love we have given.
If it's to be so, grieve not, the soil of our Republic contains the love we have given.

If it's to be so, grieve not, the flag of our Republic has our blood-stained glory.
If it's to be so, grieve not, the flag of our Republic has our blood-stained glory. Blood-stained Glory.

From Bloodstained Glory - Wikipedia.


英文單詞 ubiquitous


[ju:ˈbɪkwɪtəs] adjective

[usually before noun] (formal or humorous) seeming to be everywhere or in several places at the same time; very common(似乎)普遍存在的, 無處不有的

e.g. the ubiquitous shared bicycle. his ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family.

mid 19th cent.: from modern Latin ubiquitas (from Latin ubique 'everywhere', from ubi 'where') + -ous.


In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

在法蘭德斯戰場 虞美人迎風開放



在法蘭德斯戰場(In Flanders Fields)是在第一次世界大戰其間的最重要的詩作之一,也被認為是那個時期最流行的詩。這首法文迴旋詩體的英文詩是加拿大的軍醫約翰·麥克雷(John McCrae)中校在目睹了他的年僅 22 歲的戰友 Alexis Helmer 中尉的死,於第二天 1915 年 5 月 3 日所作,同年 12 月,發表在英國倫敦的雙周刊 Punch 上。

法蘭德斯是第一次世界大戰最慘烈的戰場,德國欲封鎖法國加萊,於是德軍在 1914 年 10 月和比利時、法國軍隊在這裏開戰,雙方死亡慘重,而比利時盛開着虞美人花。因為這首詩,虞美人花成為全球國殤紀念日佩花。
